When booking a hotel, be sure to compare all available rates at the property. Steps include:
• Check all rate classes for the hotel where you wish to stay (usually on the hotel's Web site).
• Compare those prices to offers on major travel providers (visit Booking Buddy to check rates simultaneously). Note that with most of the majors, you'll pay an extra booking fee (typically $5).
• Call the hotel directly (not the central reservations line) to see if better rates are available by phone, mentioning the lowest rate you found.
• If applicable, ask about lowest-price guarantees.
Do a bit of research into the type of property where you're planning on staying. For example, hotels that position themselves as business class (getting most of their income from weekday business travelers) often have lower prices for weekend stays, as Fridays and Saturdays are considered off-peak. Tourist- and luxury-class properties, however, will usually have inflated rates for weekend stays, as those days appeal to leisure travelers. By knowing who the hotel property caters to, and if you have flexibility, you can arrange your trip over dates that will provide the greatest savings.
In addition, if you hold a membership in AAA, AARP, StudentAdvantage or a similar organization, be sure to check if additional discounts are available. Many hotels have partnered with these organizations to offer low rates that may undercut both sale and Internet-only prices.
If you're taking a vacation or need airfare and a rental car in addition to your hotel, consider booking a package rather than each of the components separately. Often rates for bundled vacation packages cost less than if you were to buy each element on its own.
By becoming an informed consumer, doing your research and comparing rates, you'll be able to get the best price for your next hotel stay. While initially this may seem more time-consuming than just calling a hotel and booking a room, the extra money you'll pocket will be well worth it.
Worldwide Hotel comparative
About the Author
For more tips and reviews visit www.hotelist.net
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